
IWC Research

We lead whole-of-water cycle, trans-disciplinary and collaborative research activities, which address current and emerging water issues to influence water management and policy, education and leadership. Our research is empirical, problem-based and generates useful new knowledge.

We develop the capacity of the water sector and practitioners at all levels – institutional, inter and intra-organisational, community and individual – to enhance understanding of integrated water management across the professional spectrum.

Explore our projects

Pacific Water Research Centre

Our approach

Recognising the interconnectedness of issues affecting water, we adopt a trans-disciplinary approach to research.

We support our applied research programs with:

  • expert services in project management
  • long-term planning
  • capacity building
  • communication of outcomes.

By applying a trans-disciplinary approach to investigative activities, we ensure our work generates:

  • publications
  • research grants
  • postgraduate research training.

Because our research is context specific, it can directly influence water policy and management.

Integrated water management

Our approach:

  • acknowledges the environmental, ecological and human processes that water undergoes from catchment to coast
  • clarifies and manages the multiple values of water
  • considers the impacts of decisions systemically across environment, politics, law, science, culture, engineering, economics, health and society.

Our integrated approach to water research, education and management makes us unique. The three areas of our business – education, projects and applied research – are intricately linked and draw from each other to develop and promote best practices in integrated water management.

Research Resources