
Our Impact

We recognise the impact our work has – inspiring and empowering a new generation of global water leaders to improve access to, and the sustainable use of, the most precious asset on earth: water. We do this by developing the skills, knowledge and networks water leaders need to tackle complex water challenges around the world, using whole-of-water cycle, integrated approaches.

Times Higher Education Impact Rankings Contribution

Griffith University was ranked in the top 10 for SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation, and SDG 14 – Life Below Water, placing eighth and ninth respectively, highlighting our outstanding work in the sector.

The International WaterCentre has and will continue to contribute to the performance of the impact rankings through our education, training and research impacts.

1000+ Alumni

We have welcomed more than one thousand water professionals into our education and training programs.

86+ countries

We have delivered education, training and research projects to individuals, communities and organisations from over 86 countries.

50+ Partners

We are now supported by a network of more than 50 partners, affiliates and associates from across the world.

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Addressing piped water problems in urban settlements through Participatory Planning

Faith-based Organisations and WASH in Solomon Islands: A missing link?

Join us in developing 1000 water leaders globally!